Class Summary Translation2_Decorator

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator  -- Decorates a Translation2 class.

Decorates a Translation2 class.

Create a subclass of this class for your own "decoration".

Class Trees for Translation2_Decorator

Table 34-1. Classes that extend Translation2_Decorator

Translation2_Decorator_BBCode Renders BBCode. Requires PEAR::HTML_BBCodeParser
Translation2_Decorator_CacheLiteFunction Decorator to cache fetched data using Cache_Lite_Function class
Translation2_Decorator_CacheMemory Decorator to cache fetched data in memory
Translation2_Decorator_DefaultText Decorator to provide a fallback text for empty strings.
Translation2_Decorator_Lang Decorator to provide a fallback language for empty strings.
Translation2_Decorator_SpecialChars Decorator to replace special chars with the matching html entities.
Translation2_Decorator_UTF8 Decorator to convert UTF-8 strings to ISO-8859-1