Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Lang

Class Summary Translation2_Decorator_Lang  -- Decorator to provide a fallback language for empty strings.

Lang Decorator Example

This decorator is very useful when you want to provide a fallback language for empty strings. It is stackable, so you can have more than one default language.
$tr = new Translation2($driver, $dbinfo, $params);

//set English as the main language

//set Italian as the first fallback language
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'it');

//set Spanish as the second fallback language
$tr =& $tr->getDecorator('Lang');
$tr->setOption('fallbackLang', 'es');

Class Trees for Translation2_Decorator_Lang

Translation2_Decorator_Lang Inherited Methods

Table 34-1. Inherited from Translation2_Decorator

Method NameSummary
Constructor Translation2_Decorator::Translation2_Decorator() Constructor
Translation2_Decorator::get() Get translated string
Translation2_Decorator::getDecorator() Return an instance of a decorator
Translation2_Decorator::getLang() get lang info
Translation2_Decorator::getLangs() get langs
Translation2_Decorator::getPage() Same as getRawPage, but resort to fallback language and replace parameters when needed
Translation2_Decorator::getRawPage() Get the array of strings in a page
Translation2_Decorator::setLang() Set default lang
Translation2_Decorator::setOption() set Decorator option
Translation2_Decorator::setOptions() set Decorator options
Translation2_Decorator::setPageID() Set default page
Translation2_Decorator::setParams() Set parameters for next string
Translation2_Decorator::translate() Get translated string