
XML_RDDL::getResourcesByPurpose() -- selects all resources of a specified nature


require_once 'XML/RDDL.php';

array XML_RDDL::getResourcesByPurpose (string $purpose)


Gets all resources of a given purpose from an RDDL document. You have to call XML_RDDL::parseRDDL() first. The purpose of a resource is specified by the 'xlink:arcrole' attribute. The purpose of a resource link determines what the link will be used for. Frequently the purpose of a link can be determined from the nature of the referenced resource. For example the purpose of an XML Schema is typically schema validation, yet a schema may be comprised of a number of included modules and even when included modules are themselves an XML Schema, the purpose is as a module. You can find a list of well known purposes at http://www.rddl.org/purposes/.


Return value

array array containing all resources with the specified purpose.


This function can not be called statically.

Usage example