Table of Contents
Introduction --  Purpose
Requirements --  Dependencies, time and memory settings
Using the PHPDoc tool --  Calling the PHPDoc commandline program
Doc comments --  the structure of a doc comment
@author --  describes the author
@const --  describes constants created with define()
@deprecated --  markup outdated API elements
@global --  document global used variables
@package --  group classes
@param --  describes a parameter of a function
@return --  describes the return value of a function
@see --  mark up reference to other elements
@since --  mark up the time as an API elements was introduced
@static --  marks a function as static
@var --  describes class variables

PHPDoc is tool for creating API documentation from source code.


The PEAR PHPDoc package is deprecated in favor of the phpDocumentor package. To install phpDocumentor, you may use the pear installer like so: pear install phpdocumentor.