Class Summary Image_Graph_Axis_Y

Class Summary Image_Graph_Axis_Y -- Class for storing x-axis settings

Class for storing x-axis settings

Based upon the the common attributes/methods provided by the Image_Graph_Axis-class this one addresses all features which are needed for the y-axis.

Class Trees for Image_Graph_Axis_Y

Image_Graph_Axis_Y Inherited Methods

Table 33-1. Inherited from Image_Graph_Axis

Method NameSummary
Constructor Image_Graph_Axis::Image_Graph_Axis()Constructor
Image_Graph_Axis::setBounds()Set bounds
Image_Graph_Axis::setNumbercolor()Set color for numbers on the axis
Image_Graph_Axis::setNumberformat()Set numberformat for axis
Image_Graph_Axis::setTicksAutoSteps()Set maximum steps for automatic creation of ticksMajor/ticksMinor
Image_Graph_Axis::setTickSize()Set size for (major) ticks on axis
Image_Graph_Axis::setTicksMajor()Set major ticks on axis
Image_Graph_Axis::setTicksMinor()Set minor ticks on axis
Image_Graph_Axis::setTickStyle()Set tick-style for ticks on a axis

Table 33-2. Inherited from Image_Graph_Base

Method NameSummary
Image_Graph_Base::setColor()Set color
Image_Graph_Base::setFontOptions()Set options for fonts
Image_Graph_Base::setSpacer()Set spacer
Image_Graph_Base::setText()Set text