Class Summary Image_Graph_Axis_Values

Class Summary Image_Graph_Axis_Values -- Class for handling textual and numerical values on the axes

Class for handling textual and numerical values on the axes

This class provied methods and attributes for customization of an axis. You can use it to set the options like the font, it's size or the color in which values (both numerical and textual, depending on the axis) will be drawn. For a numerical axis this class also offers you functionality to set the format in which numbers will be drawn. You can use this to set the number of decimal digits, prepend or append text etc. For a textual axis (actually: for the x-axis) this class allows you to set the text-labels which will be drawn.

Class Trees for Image_Graph_Axis_Values

Image_Graph_Axis_Values Inherited Methods

Table 33-1. Inherited from Image_Graph_Title

Method NameSummary
Constructor Image_Graph_Title::Image_Graph_Title()Constructor
Image_Graph_Title::setColor()Set color

Table 33-2. Inherited from Image_Graph_Base

Method NameSummary
Image_Graph_Base::setColor()Set color
Image_Graph_Base::setFontOptions()Set options for fonts
Image_Graph_Base::setSpacer()Set spacer
Image_Graph_Base::setText()Set text