The template should contain at least the {title} placeholder, can also contain {url} and {indent} placeholders, depending on entry type. Default templates are:
array( HTML_MENU_ENTRY_INACTIVE => '<td>{indent}<a href="{url}">{title}</a></td>', HTML_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVE => '<td>{indent}<b>{title}</b></td>', HTML_MENU_ENTRY_ACTIVEPATH => '<td>{indent}<b><a href="{url}">{title}</a></b></td>', HTML_MENU_ENTRY_PREVIOUS => '<td><a href="{url}"><< {title}</a></td>', HTML_MENU_ENTRY_NEXT => '<td><a href="{url}">{title} >></a></td>', HTML_MENU_ENTRY_UPPER => '<td><a href="{url}">^ {title} ^</a></td>', HTML_MENU_ENTRY_BREADCRUMB => '<td><a href="{url}">{title}</a> >> </td>' ); |
either type (one of HTML_MENU_ENTRY_* constants) or an array 'type' => 'template'
template for this entry type if $type is not an array