Package Overview

Package Overview --  Summary of Calendar Classes

Package Overview

When working with PEAR::Calendar, there are a total of 12 (public) classes available for you to use, depending on the particular problem you are trying to solve. They can be grouped in date classes, tabular date classes, validation classes and decorators.

Date Classes

Providing representations of all basic human date units. All are subclasses of Calendar so provide the methods defined there.

Tabular Date Classes

Designed for building calendars in tabular format. All are subclasses of Calendar so provide the methods defined there.

Validation Classes

Used to validate dates. Calendar provides the methods isValid() to perform a simple check on any date and getValidator() to return an instance of Calendar_Validator for fine grained validation.


Provide a mechanism to add functionality to the main calendar objects (the subclasses of Calendar) without needing to directly extend them (and risk overwriting fields accidentally). When you create a decorator, you pass its constructor an instance of an existing calendar object. You can then make calls to the decorator in exactly the same way as you make calls to the original calendar object. This allows you to "overwrite" calendar methods, add new methods or even apply multiple decorators to the same calendar object. Decorators a typically either "injected" (via selection or the Calendar_Decorator_Wrapper decorator) into the loop where the calendar is rendered and / or to alter the output content (e.g. convert a numeric month into a textual month: 1 => January).

PEAR::Calendar provides some decorator implementations for you, to help with common tasks. These are not designed to suit everyone and hence are provided as optional code for you to use as needed (avoiding the performance cost associated with parsing code you're not using).