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Modifications for the Yaesu FT-857


MARS mod of the FT-857 US Version
MARS mod of the FT-857                    
Installing The FT-857 Options
Second menu for FT-857
      FT-857 Mods By DG2IAQ



TX Power Mod for Yaesu FT857(D)
WARNING: changing these will reset all the memories.
  1. Enter the Servicemenue. I want to warn you do not change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing. To get them turn transceiver off. Press and hold the A,B,C keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the tranceiver On. Now let go of all keys. Press F key to finish.
  2. For this procedure you will need a Dummy Load (or a well matched Antenna) and a Wattmeter!
  3. Locate Menue No
    NO-024  HF1-PO-MAX  165 (set to 255) CW     1.800.00
    NO-028  HF2-PO-MAX  159 (set to 255) CW     7.068.19
    NO-032  HF3-PO-MAX  158 (set to 255) CW    21.225.13
    NO-036  50M-PO-MAX  145 (set to 255) CW    50.000.00
    NO-040  VHF-PO-MAX  87 (set to 255)  CW   145.437.50
    NO-043  UHF-PO-MAX  112 (set to 255) CW   438.900.00

That´s it!

After this mod I have about 130 Watts on HF and 6 mtr, about 90 Watts on VHF and 40 Watts on UHF!

I have done this mode a few month ago and I have no problems (my Final Transistor is still ok ;-)) !

IMPORTANT: Before changing any values in the Aligment menue, please write down your original settings!


73 de Alex, HB9TSF, NH7VW


MARS mod of the FT-857  (US version)
FT-857 (US version)
Modification for TX:
1.8-56MHz, 137-164MHz, 420-470MHz
  1. Remove the seven screws affixing the top panel of the transceiver, and gently lift it upward.

  2. Carefully remove the small 2-pin speaker plug from the left rear corner of the transceiver interior then remove the top case and set it aside for the moment.

  3. Locate the nine jumpers about 2" from the front edge of the main unit and about 3/4" from the left edge. For 144/430MHz expansion only, remove the jumper at JP1002, leaving the other jumpers alone. For complete expansion per the above listing, place jumpers at JP1007/1008/1009, and remove the jumpers at JP1001/1002/1003/1004/1005 (leave the jumper at JP1006 in place). NOTE THE UNUSUAL SEQUENCE FOR THE NUMBERING.

  4. Replace the top panel; don't forget to re-connect the speaker lead removed in step 2.

  5. With the transceiver off, press and hold in the [F] and [V/M] keys; while holding them in, turn the radio on. Modification is now complete.

Hanno Vogels, DG8JZ

Thanks to Roar Dehli for this picture.



Subject: Jumper number User comment  
----BACK OF RADIO------
1007 - Jumper
1008 - Jumper
1009 - Jumper
1004 - Blank
1005 - Blank
1006 - Jumper
1001 - Blank
1002 - Blank
1003 - Blank


Installing The FT-857 Options
Author: Dave Fifield (AD6A) - dave@ad6a.com


Here are some photos showing the procedure to install the optional filters (and a few showing off the color display), TXCO-9 and DSP-2 to the Yaesu FT-857 rig. There's nothing hard about installing any of these modifications. The instructions in the Yaesu manual are fairly comprehensive and the menu options to select them are easy to get right.

Make sure to get the filters and TXCO-9 round the right way. As with it's big brother, the FT-897, it's worth noting that the FT-857 optional filters are labeled with different part numbers than are on the boxes they come in! The YF-122S is marked XF-119SN and the YF-122CN is marked XF-119CN.

The schematic of the FT-857 is almost identical to the FT-897. Both rigs support the ATAS-100 and ATAS-120 antennas with every option you can think of for diplexer/separate antenna use. Please email me if you have any questions or comments. Click on any of the pictures to see it in full detail. Hover your mouse over the pictures to see my comments on it.

The FT-857 opened up ready for the options to be
 added. The standard oscillator - tucked away in the 
corner by the rear heatsink. The FIL-1 and FIL-2 optional filter positions - 
pretty obvious!

The 2.3KHz SSB filter installed. The TXCO-9 option installed. The 300Hz CW filter installed.

The DSP-2 board is fitted vertically - the 
connector is all that holds it in place, but it seems mechanically rigid
 enough. The DSP-2 option board - vertically mounted. The other side of the rig - the power amps and 
filters/switching. Note the two internally mounted fans that blow air 
over both the top and bottom PCBs in the rig - nice design feature!

The rear panel - note the trend towards no 
direct labeling - I don't like this! The label showing the rear panel connections is 
on the underside of the rig... The cooling air intake - behind the front panel,
 but fully exposed when you remote mount the head - good design IMO!

Well, I tried to capture some of the colors - 
this is meant to be green, but the digital camera doesn't seem to think 
so! ...and this is meant to be bright red....

...and this is meant to be blue - oh, it 
is!..... ...and finally, purple (violet, whatever). There
 are 32 shades of these basic colors - coolio!

Legal notice - All the material on this website is Copyright 2003 Dave Fifield, AD6A, all rights reserved - please ask for permission if you would like to utilize any or all of it in any form other than for your own immediate personal use.

This article can also be found at http://www.ad6a.com/FT857options.html.

Second menu for FT-857
Author: - pascal.34@bluewin.ch


Their is a second set of menu functions F01 to F74.

WARNING: changing these will reset all the memories.

I want to warn you do not change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing. To get them turn transceiver off. Press and hold the A,B,C keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the tranceiver On. Now let go of all keys. Attention, for menu NO-017. Input voltage 13.8V = 138 to calibre voltmeter.
Press F key to finish.

Function Setting in my radio

Adjust-No      Function            Setting  Mode    Frequency
NO-001         HF1-RXG             118        CW     1.800.00
NO-002         HF2-RXG             91         CW     7.068.19
NO-003         HF3-RXG             133        CW    21.225.13
NO-004         50M-RXG             106        CW    50.000.00
NO-005         VHF-RXG             77         CW   145.437.50
NO-006         UHF-RXG             103        CW   438.900.00
NO-007         SSB-S9              61         CW    21.225.13
NO-008         SSB-FS              54         CW    21.225.13
NO-009         FM-S1               68         FM   145.437.50
NO-010         FM-FS               99         FM   145.437.50
NO-011         DISC-L              50         FM   145.437.50
NO-012         DISC-H              79         FM   145.437.50
NO-013         FM-TH1              100        FM   145.437.50
NO-014         FM-TH2              100        FM   145.437.50
NO-015         FM-TI1              10         FM   145.437.50
NO-016         FM-TI2              10         FM   145.437.50
NO-017         VCC                 138        FM   145.437.50
NO-018         HF1-IC              83         CW     1.800.00
NO-019         HF2-IC              80         CW     7.068.19
NO-020         HF3-IC              87         CW    21.225.13
NO-021         50M-IC              84         CW    50.000.00
NO-022         VHF-IC              72         CW   145.437.50
NO-023         UHF-IC              74         CW   438.900.00
NO-024         HF1-PO-MAX          165        CW     1.800.00
NO-025         HF1-PO-MID2         105        CW     1.800.00
NO-026         HF1-PO-MID1         31         CW     1.800.00
NO-027         HF1-PO-MIN          13         CW     1.800.00
NO-028         HF2-PO-MAX          159        CW     7.068.19
NO-029         HF2-PO-MID2         102        CW     7.068.19
NO-030         HF2-PO-MID1         29         CW     7.068.19
NO-031         HF2-PO-MIN          11         CW     7.068.19
NO-032         HF3-PO-MAX          158        CW    21.225.13
NO-033         HF3-PO-MID2         101        CW    21.225.13
NO-034         HF3-PO-MID1         29         CW    21.225.13
NO-035         HF3-PO-MIN          11         CW    21.225.13
NO-036         50M-PO-MAX          145        CW    50.000.00
NO-037         50M-PO-MID2         92         CW    50.000.00
NO-038         50M-PO-MID1         47         CW    50.000.00
NO-039         50M-PO-MIN          8          CW    50.000.00
NO-040         VHF-PO-MAX          87         CW   145.437.50
NO-041         VHF-PO-MID          43         CW   145.437.50
NO-042         VHF-PO-MIN          7          CW   145.437.50
NO-043         UHF-PO-MAX          112        CW   438.900.00
NO-044         UHF-PO-MIN          16         CW   438.900.00
NO-045         HF1-TXG             48         USB    1.800.00
NO-046         HF2-TXG             38         USB    7.068.19
NO-047         HF3-TXG             43         USB   21.225.13
NO-048         50M-TXG             40         USB   50.000.00
NO-049         VHF-TXG             47         USB  145.437.50
NO-050         UHF-TXG             49         USB  438.900.00
NO-051         ALC1-M              203        USB   21.225.13
NO-052         ALC-M               85         USB   21.225.13
NO-053         HF1-REV-ALC         61         CW     1.800.00
NO-054         HF2-REV-ALC         56         CW     7.068.19
NO-055         HF3-REV-ALC         50         CW    21.225.13
NO-056         50M-REV-ALC         47         CW    50.000.00
NO-057         VHF-REV-ALC         62         CW   145.437.50
NO-058         UHF-REV-ALC         57         CW   438.900.00
NO-059         CW-CAR-LEVEL        144        CW    21.225.13
NO-060         AM-CAR-LEVEL        125        AM    21.225.13
NO-061         DEV-W               216        FM   145.437.50
NO-062         DEV-N               110        FM   145.437.50
NO-063         MOD-MTR             200        FM   145.437.50
NO-064         DTMF-DEV            10         FM   145.437.50
NO-065         CTCSS-DEV           233        FM   145.437.50
NO-066         DCS-DEV             168        FM   145.437.50
NO-067         LSB-CAR-POINT       -7         LSB   21.225.13
NO-068         USB-CAR-POINT       +5         USB   21.225.13
NO-069         VSWR2 at 10W        17         CW    14.257.90
NO-070         VSWR3 at 10W        42         CW    14.257.90
NO-071         ATAS-TEST                      LSB   14.257.90
NO-072         AMTR-TEST                      LSB   14.257.90
NO-073         HTEMP-THRESHOLD     38         LSB   14.257.90
NO-074         FTEMP-THRESHOLD     102        LSB   14.257.90
Yaesu FT-857D


Hieronder staat diverse informatie over de Yaesu FT-857D zendontvanger.

© 2007 Type: Amateur HF/VHF/UHF transceiver
Frequency range:
- TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 6 m / 2 m / 70 cm
- RX: 0.1-76 / 108-174 / 420-512 MHz
Mode: AM/FM/SSB/CW and WFM (RX only)
RF Power output:
- 6-160 m: 100 W
- 2 m: 50 W
- 70 cm: 20 W
Sensitivity: N/A
Selectivity: N/A
Image rejection: N/A
Voltage: 13.8 VDC
Current drain:
- RX: 0.6-1 A
- TX: Max 22 A
Impedance: 50 ohms, 2*SO-239
Dimensions (W*H*D): 155*52*233 mm
Weight: 2.1 Kg
Manufactured: 2003-2004
- Built-in keyer
- Beacon mode
- 32 color display
- 200 memories
- Detachable front panel
- DSP option

Ultra Compact Design
Measuring just 6.1" x 2" x 9.2" (155 x 52 x 233 mm), the FT-857 is the worlds smallest full-power HF/VHF/UHF multimode transceiver! Its rugged case design is a masterpiece of ergonomic design, with often-used switches and knobs conveniently positioned for easy access.

High-Performance Receiver Design
Building on the acclaimed performance of the FT-1000D, Mark-V FT-1000MP, and FT-897, Yaesus engineers have crafted the FT-857s front end for a very low noise floor, along with wide dynamic range. Utilizing an up-conversion architecture for HF with a first IF of 68.33 MHz, the FT-857 features a double-conversion superheterodyne system (triple conversion on FM), with the 2nd IF at 10.7 MHz. Extensive bandpass filtering in the front end, along with careful device selection and gain distribution, yield a receiver system ready for the strong-signal challenges of todays crowded bands!

Wide Frequency Coverage
Providing transmitter coverage of the HF, 50 MHz, 144 MHz, and 430 MHz Amateur bands, the FT-857 also includes receive coverage on 100 kHz to 56 MHz, 76 to 108 MHz, 118-164 MHz, and 420-470 MHz. Enjoy the excitement of public safety monitoring, along with weather broadcasts, AM and FM broadcasts, aviation communications, as well as the action on the Ham bands!

Versatile Memory System
The FT-857 provides up to 200 "Main" memory channels, each of which may be named with an Alpha-Numeric label of up to eight characters. These 200 Memories may be separated into as many as 10 Memory Groups of 20 Memories each. For added convenience, you also get a "Quick Memory" and a "Home Channel" on each band, plus ten pairs of band-limit memories, to let you restrict operation to a sub-band, if you like.

Digital Signal Processing (option)
For superior interference rejection and transmitter "talk power," the FT-857s optional DSP circuitry enhances both sides of the communications circuit. The FT-857s DSP Unit features a 24-bit high-tech D/A chip for signal processing. Included are Bandpass Filter, Auto-Notch, and Noise Reduction filters, along with a Microphone Equalizer.

Big Radio Tuning Dial and Outstanding Ergonomics Ease of operation of the FT-857 is enhanced by the large-diameter (1.7") Main Tuning Dial, similar in size to the tuning knob of many base station rigs. Selectable tuning steps of 2 kHz/4 kHz per revolution allow easy navigation around your favorite bands, while important keys and switches are strategically placed around the front panel for quick access.

 Microfoon bedrading
Pin Functies RJ45. Standaard zijn de microfoon functies actief. Via Menu Mode No 059 [Mic Sel] is de modus in te stellen. Als deze op [CAT] wordt gezet in plaats van [Mic] kan deze poort gebruikt worden als data interface.

Nr Mic Mode           Extra Functions
1  FAST               Power Switch
2  Ground (control)   PTT (Ground)
3  PTT                PTT
4  Mic AF             Mic AF
5  Ground (Mic)       Ground (Mic)
6  + 5V               + 5V
7  UP                 RXD
8  DOWN               TXD

 Relay Cleaning
By pressing both Band Buttons (UP & DWN) while starting up, the FT-857 will beep a few times and then displays the following message: "RELAY CLEANING" and all the relays start working. This is not mentioned on the user or the service manuals.

 More TX Power
WARNING: Changing these will reset all the memories. Aonly at your own risk!

IMPORTANT: Before changing any values in the Aligment menue, please write down your original settings!


Enter the servicemenu. I want to warn you do not change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing. To get them turn transceiver off. Press and hold the A,B,C keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the tranceiver On. Now let go of all keys. Press F key to finish.
For this procedure you will need a Dummy Load (or a well matched Antenna) and a Wattmeter!

Locate Menue No:
NO-024 HF1-PO-MAX 165 (set to 255) CW 1.800.00
NO-028 HF2-PO-MAX 159 (set to 255) CW 7.068.19
NO-032 HF3-PO-MAX 158 (set to 255) CW 21.225.13
NO-036 50M-PO-MAX 145 (set to 255) CW 50.000.00
NO-040 VHF-PO-MAX 87 (set to 255) CW 145.437.50
NO-043 UHF-PO-MAX 112 (set to 255) CW 438.900.00

Now you're done.

After this mod I have about 130 Watts on HF and 6 mtr, about 90 Watts on VHF and 40 Watts on UHF!

 40m Band Expansion (UK Version)
© 2007 I have expanded my radio frequency 7.100 to 7.200 mhz transmition using hardware jumper fix method. This is how to do it:
Open the top cover of the radio;
Locate the jumper section- you will see nine jumpers about 2" from the front edge of the main unit and about 3/4" from the left edge;
Now remove the jumper at JP1002 by using a low power Soldering Iron (not to damage the board or the next components);
Put everything back and close the radio;
Press and hold in the [F] and [V/M] keys and switch the radio on while holding them.

 Service Menu
Their is a second set of menu functions F01 to F74.
WARNING: changing these will reset all the memories.

I want to warn you do not change these values unless you are sure of what you are doing. To get them turn transceiver off. Press and hold the A,B,C keys; while holding them in, press and hold in the [PWR] switch for 1/2 second to turn the tranceiver On. Now let go of all keys. Attention, for menu NO-017. Input voltage 13.8V = 138 to calibre voltmeter. Press F key to finish.

Function Setting in my radio:

Adjust-No      Function            Setting  Mode    Frequency
NO-001         HF1-RXG             118        CW     1.800.00
NO-002         HF2-RXG             91         CW     7.068.19
NO-003         HF3-RXG             133        CW    21.225.13
NO-004         50M-RXG             106        CW    50.000.00
NO-005         VHF-RXG             77         CW   145.437.50
NO-006         UHF-RXG             103        CW   438.900.00
NO-007         SSB-S9              61         CW    21.225.13
NO-008         SSB-FS              54         CW    21.225.13
NO-009         FM-S1               68         FM   145.437.50
NO-010         FM-FS               99         FM   145.437.50
NO-011         DISC-L              50         FM   145.437.50
NO-012         DISC-H              79         FM   145.437.50
NO-013         FM-TH1              100        FM   145.437.50
NO-014         FM-TH2              100        FM   145.437.50
NO-015         FM-TI1              10         FM   145.437.50
NO-016         FM-TI2              10         FM   145.437.50
NO-017         VCC                 138        FM   145.437.50
NO-018         HF1-IC              83         CW     1.800.00
NO-019         HF2-IC              80         CW     7.068.19
NO-020         HF3-IC              87         CW    21.225.13
NO-021         50M-IC              84         CW    50.000.00
NO-022         VHF-IC              72         CW   145.437.50
NO-023         UHF-IC              74         CW   438.900.00
NO-024         HF1-PO-MAX          165        CW     1.800.00
NO-025         HF1-PO-MID2         105        CW     1.800.00
NO-026         HF1-PO-MID1         31         CW     1.800.00
NO-027         HF1-PO-MIN          13         CW     1.800.00
NO-028         HF2-PO-MAX          159        CW     7.068.19
NO-029         HF2-PO-MID2         102        CW     7.068.19
NO-030         HF2-PO-MID1         29         CW     7.068.19
NO-031         HF2-PO-MIN          11         CW     7.068.19
NO-032         HF3-PO-MAX          158        CW    21.225.13
NO-033         HF3-PO-MID2         101        CW    21.225.13
NO-034         HF3-PO-MID1         29         CW    21.225.13
NO-035         HF3-PO-MIN          11         CW    21.225.13
NO-036         50M-PO-MAX          145        CW    50.000.00
NO-037         50M-PO-MID2         92         CW    50.000.00
NO-038         50M-PO-MID1         47         CW    50.000.00
NO-039         50M-PO-MIN          8          CW    50.000.00
NO-040         VHF-PO-MAX          87         CW   145.437.50
NO-041         VHF-PO-MID          43         CW   145.437.50
NO-042         VHF-PO-MIN          7          CW   145.437.50
NO-043         UHF-PO-MAX          112        CW   438.900.00
NO-044         UHF-PO-MIN          16         CW   438.900.00
NO-045         HF1-TXG             48         USB    1.800.00
NO-046         HF2-TXG             38         USB    7.068.19
NO-047         HF3-TXG             43         USB   21.225.13
NO-048         50M-TXG             40         USB   50.000.00
NO-049         VHF-TXG             47         USB  145.437.50
NO-050         UHF-TXG             49         USB  438.900.00
NO-051         ALC1-M              203        USB   21.225.13
NO-052         ALC-M               85         USB   21.225.13
NO-053         HF1-REV-ALC         61         CW     1.800.00
NO-054         HF2-REV-ALC         56         CW     7.068.19
NO-055         HF3-REV-ALC         50         CW    21.225.13
NO-056         50M-REV-ALC         47         CW    50.000.00
NO-057         VHF-REV-ALC         62         CW   145.437.50
NO-058         UHF-REV-ALC         57         CW   438.900.00
NO-059         CW-CAR-LEVEL        144        CW    21.225.13
NO-060         AM-CAR-LEVEL        125        AM    21.225.13
NO-061         DEV-W               216        FM   145.437.50
NO-062         DEV-N               110        FM   145.437.50
NO-063         MOD-MTR             200        FM   145.437.50
NO-064         DTMF-DEV            10         FM   145.437.50
NO-065         CTCSS-DEV           233        FM   145.437.50
NO-066         DCS-DEV             168        FM   145.437.50
NO-067         LSB-CAR-POINT       -7         LSB   21.225.13
NO-068         USB-CAR-POINT       +5         USB   21.225.13
NO-069         VSWR2 at 10W        17         CW    14.257.90
NO-070         VSWR3 at 10W        42         CW    14.257.90
NO-071         ATAS-TEST                      LSB   14.257.90
NO-072         AMTR-TEST                      LSB   14.257.90
NO-073         HTEMP-THRESHOLD     38         LSB   14.257.90
NO-074         FTEMP-THRESHOLD     102        LSB   14.257.90

 Out of Band Mod (US Version)
© 2007 FT-857 modification for TX: 1.8-56MHz, 137-164MHz, 420-470MHz
Remove the seven screws affixing the top panel of the transceiver, and gently lift it upward.
Carefully remove the small 2-pin speaker plug from the left rear corner of the transceiver interior then remove the top case and set it aside for the moment.
Locate the nine jumpers about 2" from the front edge of the main unit and about 3/4" from the left edge. For 144/430MHz expansion only, remove the jumper at JP1002, leaving the other jumpers alone. For complete expansion per the above listing, place jumpers at JP1007/1008/1009, and remove the jumpers at JP1001/1002/1003/1004/1005 (leave the jumper at JP1006 in place). NOTE THE UNUSUAL SEQUENCE FOR THE NUMBERING.
Replace the top panel; don't forget to re-connect the speaker lead removed in step 2.
With the transceiver off, press and hold in the [F] and [V/M] keys; while holding them in, turn the radio on. Modification is now complete.

There is written a small program to update the Jumper settings for the Yaesu FT897, FT817 and FT857 via the CAT interface! It is available on http://www.ham.dmz.ro - softjump.zip This program allows you to perform the jumper modification without modifying the hardware on your radio!

 Feedbackdistortion Solution
The only real problem I have encountered with the radio was the feedbackdistortion problem mentioned in other messages here but one call to the Yaesu technicians cured it. They advised me to roll up a few turns of the coax in a 6 inch (15,24 cm) loop at the transmitter to kill the RF. It worked like a champ. I think the DTMF remote mic could use some more shielding as there was no problem at all using the stock mic. But the coax coil is something I would reccommend to all mobile users anyway.

© 2007

 Adding drag to the tuning knob
The tuning knob on the FT-857 free wheels too easily. If you prefer a tighter knob with more drag, here is what to do per a Vertex Standard Technicion. Remove the rubber ring around the big tuning knob. Using an allen wrench, loosen the allen screw and remove the knob off it's shaft.
On the shaft you will now see a steel spring. This spring can either add tension or loosen the tension on the knob's shaft. To add more drag just tighten the spring's tension on the shaft. Do the opposite for making less tension on the knob. After you adjust to your likes, put the knob back on, tighten the allen screw, and put back on the rubber ring on knob.

 European FM Settings
Dear reader, Being one of Belgium's primary repeater keepers, I put a lot of stress and attention on having correct deviation on my systems, and I keep on telling people to adjust (=decrease) their deviation. Everybody using the latest generation of kenwood rigs is being shouted at for a far overdriven deviation. The standard is 3kHz, and most manufacturers keep on selling WFM radios producing over 5 kHz. Unfortunately, my recent birthday present, the FT-857, apart from having a very weak HF-frontend, is proud of producing an overdeviation on FM. It is not possible getting the rig to become a decent performer in the 12,5 kHz european world only using the FM mic menus, so here is the solution:
Press A B C simultaniously when powering onuropean FM Settings;
Select (rotary button) item 061 DEV-W and adjust (dial) for 125 (=3 kHz deviation);
Select item 062 DEV-N and adjust for 50 (=1.5 kHz deviation);
Select item 065 CTCSS-DEV and adjust for 160 (=500 Hz deviation);
Press Function to exit;
Adjust FM MIC Gain in the menu for 15 (was 50 default) and now you are ready to start on FM without ruining the adjacent channels.
Thanks for your cooperation keeping the spectrum clean (and narrow).

 Low Frequency Response in SSB
You can add low frequency responses in both transmit audio as well as receive audio in SSB mode. Basically you shift the carrier point in relation to the audio passband. You can change these values this way:
Push the function key until the menu appears. Now go to the following menu: (note that default all four values are set to 0 Hz) CAR LSB R (menu 15). Here you can adjust the LSB reception carrier and effectively at +300 Hz pull down the audio band pass down to 100 Hz. Same story for CAR LSB T (menu 16) - this is for the transmit part. Again same story for menu 17 and 18, for receiving and transmittin gon USB. Note that for the USB part, you'll have to shift the other way -- e.g. if LSB is at +250, the USB should be at -250.

 CAT Kabel
© 2007

© 2007

Aan de hand van deze tekeningen heb ik een kabel gebouwd. Echter werkt deze niet. Als vervolg heb ik ook de variant gebouwd met een IC. Echter werkt deze ook niet. Ondanks dat het zeer zorgvuldig is uitgevoerd werkt het systeem niet. Aangezien de set een duur apparaat is heb ik besloten om een originele CT-62 kabel te kopen. Door het uitgeven van € 35,00 loop ik in ieder geval niet het risico om de set of computer te vernielen.

Uiteraard heb ik even in de kabel gekeken om te zien wat er in zit. Echter is gebleken dat de interne schakeling ingewikkelder is dan de schemas welke op het web te vinden zijn.

Dus alle doe-het-zelf kabels zijn zeker niet zo goed als de originele. Dit is geen reclame verhaal. Ik vind het bedrag érg hoog voor een stuk kabel, dus wilde ik eerst een goedkopere kabel hebben door deze zelf te maken. Echter ben ik nu duurder uit. Mijn advies is dus ook om meteen een goede originele kabel te kopen. Dan ben je vooralsnog voordeliger uit en dan loop je geen risico om iets te vernielen.

Mijn advies is dus om deze schemas niet te gebruiken!

 CAT Kabel Prototype
© 2007 Jacob Reiding

© 2007 Jacob Reiding

© 2007 Jacob Reiding